WP Offload SES

WP Offload SES

- V1.7.0

WP Offload SES, is a stand-alone premium wordpress plugin.

WP Offload SES let you automatically send WordPress mail through Amazon SES (Simple Email Service). WP Offload™ SES is a plugin that takes over email sending for your WordPress site, sending all site emails through your Amazon SES account. It offers the benefits of sending your site emails through Amazon SES without the negatives. The Benefits of Amazon SES High Deliverability + Control Your web host (like all others) has outsourced email sending to a third-party ...
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WP Offload SES let you automatically send WordPress mail through Amazon SES (Simple Email Service).

WP Offload™ SES is a plugin that takes over email sending for your WordPress site, sending all site emails through your Amazon SES account. It offers the benefits of sending your site emails through Amazon SES without the negatives.

The Benefits of Amazon SES

High Deliverability + Control

Your web host (like all others) has outsourced email sending to a third-party provider who promises to keep your email out of SPAM folders. But you don’t have any visibility into your sending reputation or control over it. An Amazon SES account of your own will get you high delivery rates in addition to insights into your reputation and control to improve things should your reputation decline.


No monthly fee. You pay only for what you use. And SES has the lowest cost of any email sending service. Just $0.10 per 1,000 emails sent. And if you want a dedicated IP, only $24.95/month. If you run your WordPress site on Amazon EC2, the first 62,000 emails you send through SES every month are free.

Without the Negatives of Amazon SES

Painful Painless Setup

The setup wizard built-in to WP Offload SES guides you through each step of setting up Amazon SES for your site. With screenshots and detailed instructions, you can rest assured that you’ll have it set up correctly on the first try. No need to guess about settings you don’t understand, re-read the perplexing AWS docs a fifth time, or scour Google search results for answers as to why it’s not working.

Lack of Tracking and Analytics

The Amazon SES site would have you believe it’s easy to set up Amazon CloudWatch to track opens and clicks for your emails, but it can involve trying to follow half-baked documentation, guessing, and trial and error. WP Offload SES has open and click tracking built-in so you don’t have to mess around with CloudWatch and all your reporting is right there in your WordPress dashboard.


Setup wizard

Manually setting up Amazon SES to work with WordPress is a big hassle. WP Offload SES makes this easy by guiding you through the setup process step-by-step and providing you with guidance to ensure you understand what you’re setting up at each step.

Open & click tracking

Implementing tracking for your emails in Amazon SES is a painful undertaking. When you enable the open tracking option in WP Offload SES, it will add an invisible image to all outgoing emails to track how many times each one has been viewed. When you enable the click tracking option in WP Offload SES, it will replace every email link with a special tracking link.

Open & click reporting

It’s important to be able to measure the engagement of your site emails. Are people actually opening certain emails? Are they clicking links? With that information, you can try to update an email’s subject line and see if the open rate improves. Or update the email copy and see if more people click on the links. With WP Offload SES, you can access all of this instantly, from your WordPress dashboard.

Auto-retry email sending failures

Every Amazon SES account has a max send rate. If you try to send more emails per second than your account rate, Amazon SES will return an error and refuse to send the email which could result in dropped emails if not handled properly. WP Offload SES is aware of your SES account’s send rate and will stay within the limit, but in the event of a failed send (e.g. a networking issue) the robust queue system will retry sending those emails and keep track of failures.

Manually retry email sending failures

Let’s say there was a networking issue that prevented your site from connecting to Amazon SES to send your email. WP Offload SES will automatically retry sending a few times before giving up and calling it a failure. If that happens, you can simply retry those failures once connectivity to Amazon SES is restored. With WP Offload SES none of your emails will get dropped into the ether because of a failure.

Manually resend any sent emails

You can find that email in WP Offload SES and resend it in just a few clicks. No more manually assembling the pieces of the email you think they need because you don’t have a copy of the original email.

Search for any email

Amazon SES doesn’t log emails sent on its own, let alone allow you to search for a sent email. WP Offload SES logs every email sent and allows you to filter by date and search by recipient and/or email subject.

View a specific email

WP Offload SES saves the full content of every email sent through your WordPress site, allowing you to view exactly what your customers were sent.

Analyze engagement for a specific email

Simply search for the email, click View Email and you can see how many times they opened that particular email and how many times they clicked on the links. No more time consuming back-and-forth with the customer, asking if they’ve received an email or not.

Verify senders from your WordPress dashboard

No need to login to the AWS console to add/remove sender emails or domains, you can do that right from your WordPress dashboard. Instructions to verify a new email or domain are also provided, so there is no need to get lost in the jungle that is the Amazon SES documentation.

Weekly health report gives you peace of mind

With WP Offload SES, you can get a daily, weekly, or monthly health report delivered to your inbox, informing you on the health of your email sending and giving you confidence about your site emails. In addition to listing any email sending failures, the report shows the top emails sent along with their open and click counts. You can configure the report to be sent to all Administrators or to a custom list of recipients.

Multisite compatible

Painlessly set up email sending for your entire WordPress multisite network and monitor open and click rates. Configure different settings for each subsite or set universal settings at the network level.

Documentation: WP Offload SES Nulled


  • WordPress installation (minimum version 4.6 or above)
  • PHP (minimum version 5.6 or above)

General Installation/Update Instructions

Changelog: WP Offload SES Nulled - Version 1.7.0

Not Available

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