WooCommerce – Anti Fraud

WooCommerce – Anti Fraud

- V6.0.6

WooCommerce Anti Fraud, is a premium addon wordpress plugin for the external product "WooCommerce".

Quickly detect fraudulent transactions on your WooCommerce store. It is unfortunate, but true, that fraudulent transactions fuel a large sector of the ecommerce industry. When a fraudulent transaction is made via your online store, it is of paramount importance to act swiftly to 1) ensure your customers aren’t affected and 2) minimise hassles for you, as the store owner. Our WooCommerce Anti-Fraud extension is designed to help you pick up fraudulent transactions and catch them as ...
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Quickly detect fraudulent transactions on your WooCommerce store.

It is unfortunate, but true, that fraudulent transactions fuel a large sector of the ecommerce industry. When a fraudulent transaction is made via your online store, it is of paramount importance to act swiftly to 1) ensure your customers aren’t affected and 2) minimise hassles for you, as the store owner. Our WooCommerce Anti-Fraud extension is designed to help you pick up fraudulent transactions and catch them as they happen – by scanning and providing a score for each transaction made via your online store, based on a set of advanced scoring rules.

Risk Score and Advice

The risk score, and advice, provided per transaction allows you to quickly evaluate the potential risk level of the transaction and act accordingly. The advice provided is related to the rules in place (for example, if a customer’s IP address doesn’t match the billing country).

Pre-Configured Rules

Our extension works out of the box – with no additional rules configuration required. We have defined a collection of default rules, by which the system scores each transaction.

Automated Actions

If a potentially fraudulent transaction is detected, the extension can be configured to perform one or more of the following automated actions:

  • Cancel the order
  • Hold the order
  • Notify the administrator via email, without changing the order status

Adding this extension to your WooCommerce store means a safer shopping experience for your customers and enables you to avoid the potential admin and hassles of unchecked fraudulent transactions. It’s a good thing, very good.

Documentation: WooCommerce Anti Fraud Nulled


  • Install and activate the external free product WooCommerce
  • WordPress installation (minimum version 4.6 or above)
  • PHP (minimum version 5.6 or above)

General Installation/Update Instructions

Nulled Status

  • These nulling details are restricted to the customers/members only.

Changelog: WooCommerce Anti Fraud Nulled - Version 6.0.6

2025-01-31 - version 6.0.6
* Fix: PLUGINS-2875 - Critical error upon adding manual orders.
2025-01-23 - version 6.0.5
* Update: PLUGINS-2851 - ReCaptcha: Check Iframe Blocking Compatibility.
2024-12-29 - version 6.0.4
* Update: PLUGINS-2844 - Velocity attack prevention.

More Info at the Developer's website: WooCommerce Anti Fraud Nulled

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Support: WooCommerce Anti Fraud Nulled

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