Theme Palace – Easy Commerce Pro

Theme Palace – Easy Commerce Pro

- V2.1

Theme Palace – Easy Commerce Pro, is a stand-alone premium wordpress theme.

Easy Commerce Pro is a simple yet modern e-commerce WordPress theme. It is esthetically minimalist, fresh-faced and bright, elegantly styled and well developed, readily responsive e-commerce WordPress theme. It is a perfect theme for commercial endeavors of all kinds, from digital download shops to online commercial retail of all kinds. It integrates the industry standard WooCommerce e-commerce plugin, a wonderful solution for all your online commerce needs, which allows your users to browse your product ...
Read The Full Description Here

Easy Commerce Pro is a simple yet modern e-commerce WordPress theme. It is esthetically minimalist, fresh-faced and bright, elegantly styled and well developed, readily responsive e-commerce WordPress theme.

It is a perfect theme for commercial endeavors of all kinds, from digital download shops to online commercial retail of all kinds. It integrates the industry standard WooCommerce e-commerce plugin, a wonderful solution for all your online commerce needs, which allows your users to browse your product catalogs in easy but stylish grace, add items to their shopping carts intuitively, and proceed to checkout and make payments, all right off your website.

Documentation: Theme Palace – Easy Commerce Pro Nulled


  • WordPress installation (minimum version 4.6 or above)
  • PHP (minimum version 5.6 or above)

General Installation/Update Instructions

Changelog: Theme Palace – Easy Commerce Pro Nulled - Version 2.1

= 2.1 - Aug 24 2022 =
* Update: Google Font hosted locally (
= 2.0 - Feb 07 2022 =
* Add: Core Blocks Support
* Add: wp_body_open action
* Fix: Added underline on the anchor tag
* Update: Updater support for child theme
* WP 5.9 compatibility,= 1.5.1 - Dec 19 2019 =
* Fix: Updater version control issue
= 1.5 - Nov 30 2019 =
* WP 5.3 compatibility
* Minor bug fixes
= 1.4 - Feb 20 2019 =
* WP 5.1 compatibility,= 1.3 - May 29 2018 =
* WP 4.9.6 compatibility
* Minor bug fixes
= 1.2 - Jan 31 2018 =
* WC 3.3 compatibility
* Minor bug fixes
= 1.1 - Aug 9 2017 =,= 1.0 - Jul 4 2017 =
* Initial release
== Copyright ==
Easy Commerce Pro WordPress Theme, Copyright 2015-2022
Easy Commerce Pro is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v3
== Credits ==,* Based on Underscores, (C) 2012-2016 Automattic, Inc., [GPLv2 or later](
* normalize.css, (C) 2012-2015 Nicolas Gallagher and Jonathan Neal, [MIT](
* Breadcrumb Trail, (C) 2008 - 2015, Justin Tadlock, [GPLv2](
* Cycle2, (C) 2014 M. Alsup, Dual licensed: MIT/GPL
* Google Fonts [SIL OFL 1.1](
* Sidr, (C) 2013-2016 Alberto Varela, [MIT](
* Font Awesome:, (c) Dave Gandy, CSS - [MIT]( ; Fonts - [SIL OFL 1.1](
* Slick, (c) 2016 Ken Wheeler, [MIT](
* TGM ( under GPLv2 or later license

More Info at the Developer's website: Theme Palace – Easy Commerce Pro Nulled

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Support: Theme Palace – Easy Commerce Pro Nulled

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