ShopWP Pro – Sale Shopify Products on WordPress, is a stand-alone premium wordpress plugin.
ShopWP Pro is a WordPress eCommerce plugin allowing creators, founders, and merchants to sell Shopify products on any WordPress site. Sync your Shopify data directly into WordPress Images, metafields, collections—ShopWP can sync it all. Use your Shopify data directly with other plugins such as Elementor, Yoast, etc. Because the data is synced as post meta values, the sky is the limit for the type of integrations you can create. ShopWP allows you to sync ...
Read The Full Description Here
ShopWP Pro is a WordPress eCommerce plugin allowing creators, founders, and merchants to sell Shopify products on any WordPress site.
Sync your Shopify data directly into WordPress
Images, metafields, collections—ShopWP can sync it all. Use your Shopify data directly with other plugins such as Elementor, Yoast, etc. Because the data is synced as post meta values, the sky is the limit for the type of integrations you can create. ShopWP allows you to sync products by collections, tags, vendors, or any combination. This allows you to sync only what you need—nothing more.
Buy buttons
Display product variants as dropdowns or buttons . Enable one-time purchase or subscriptions . You can send customers directly to the Shopify checkout page , or add products to the built-in cart experience. We have all the shortcodes and blocks you need to build a uniquely branded shopping experience on WordPress.
Easily create the layout you want for your products
Show just one product at a time or multiple products in a list. Link your customers to Shopify , or show products in a carousel instead. You’ll have endless possibilities, built with beautiful product layouts. Your customers will feel confident when purchasing with ShopWP.
Filter Products
ShopWP allows you to filter products by title, tags, vendors, product types, and collections. You can also combine these to make complex searches. For example, “show products with X tag and Y vendor”. Below we’re showing a product filtered by the title: “Super awesome t-shirt”.
Sort Products
In addition to filtering, ShopWP allows you to sort products based on title, price, “best selling” and more. Below is an example of sorting products by price; lowest to highest.
Variant Dropdowns
ShopWP allows you to show product variants in a dropdown by default. The dropdown button colors can easily be customized to your liking to match your WordPress theme.
Link to Shopify
Using the “link to” feature, you can force your products to link directly to Shopify. This is a great strategy if you wish to simply show your products on a WordPress blog, while still keeping your Shopify storefront.
Sale Pricing
Let customers know when your products are on sale by displaying effective sale pricing. ShopWP will allow you to display the “compare at” price next to your standard price quickly and easily.
Range Pricing
Sometimes you may want to let customers know that a product is sold in a wide range of prices. ShopWP allows you to do this with range pricing. You can also combine this with sale pricing to give customers even more information.
Pagination is handled by ShopWP with a simple load more button. You can easily turn this on or off on a per shortcode basis.
Sometimes you may not want to show all the product information in a given layout. ShopWP provides the flexibility to easiy hide various parts of the product info including images, title, description, pricing, and buy button.
Out of stock Notice
Let your customers know when a product is out of stock. ShopWP provides effective and simple “out of stock” messaging for you with no setup.
Cart experience
ShopWP comes with a built-in cart experience with a ton of options including cart terms, cart notes, and discount code functionality. We also provide a simple to use cart icon that you can add to any page, or directly to a WordPress menu.
Image Zoom
Let customers see your beautiful product photos with the ShopWP Pro image zoom functionality. Compatible on both desktop and mobile, customers can hover or tap to take a closer look at each photo.
Showcase your products in a simple carousel without taking up precious space in your existing page layout. The ShopWP Pro products carousel comes with a ton of options including the ability to custoimze previous / next arrows, number of slides to show, and more.
Direct Checkout
By pass the cart altogether with the ShopWP Pro direct checkout feature. Enabling this will redirect the user to the Shopify checkout page instead of adding to cart.
Variant Buttons
ShopWP Pro allows you to filter products by tags, vendors, product types, and collections. You can also filter by the product’s title.
Left in Stock Notice
Develop urgency in your customers by showing them an effective “left in stock” message when product inventory is low.
HTML Templates
ShopWP Pro allows you to customize the layout of products by using custom PHP templates. Just add a special wps-templates folder inside your WordPress theme and start building!
Next Image on Hover
Show the next image automatically when the user hovers over the featured image
Features List
- Automatic Syncing
- Shortcodes
- Cart Experience
- No iFrames
- Product Detail Pages
- Fixed Cart Tab
- Image Crop and Sizing
- Filter Products
- Sort Products
- Variant Dropdowns
- Range Pricing
- Pagination
- Layout Excludes
- “Out of Stock” Notice
- Link to Shopify
- Custom Button Colors
- Translations
- Sale Notice
- Subscription Products
- Image Zoom
- Sync By Collection
- Gutenberg Blocks
- Variant Button Style
- Conditional Cart Loading
- “Left in Stock” Notice
- Search Shortcode
- Storefront Shortcode
- Infinite Scrolling
- Cart Notes
- Cart Terms and Conditions
- Custom Cart Attributes
- Carousel
- Direct Checkout
- PHP Templates
- Selective Syncing
- Webhooks
- Cross-Domain Tracking
- Next Image on Hover
Documentation: ShopWP Pro – Sale Shopify Products on WordPress Nulled
- WordPress installation (minimum version 4.6 or above)
- PHP (minimum version 5.6 or above)
General Installation/Update Instructions
- For general instructions on installing Wordpress Plugins, please read "How to install Wordpress Plugins"
- For general instructions on updating Wordpress Plugins, please read "How to update Wordpress Plugins"
Changelog: ShopWP Pro – Sale Shopify Products on WordPress Nulled - Version 8.9.16
### 8.9.12
- **Fixed**: Bug causing default posts and pages to be excluded from the native WordPress search
- **Fixed**: Bug causing additional products to show from collections not specified by the title query.
- **Fixed**: A preselected variant will now show the correct values inside a dropdown automatically
- **Fixed**: PHP error inside the `get_syncing_warnings` function
- **Fixed**: Bug causing the `do.addToCart` function to fail when not passing variant prefix
- **Fixed**: Storefront component will now only show selected collections
- **Improved**: The tooltip text color is now explicitly set to black to avoid theme conflicts
- **Improved**: buyerIdentity now uses session storage and not local storage
More Info at the Developer's website: ShopWP Pro – Sale Shopify Products on WordPress Nulled
Here is the external link to the developer's website: