Paid Memberships Pro - Shipping, is a premium addon wordpress plugin for the external product "Paid Memberships Pro".
Adds Shipping Address fields to the membership checkout page, confirmation page, confirmation emails, member’s list and edit user profile pages.
Adds Shipping Address fields to the membership checkout page, confirmation page, confirmation emails, member’s list and edit user profile pages.
Documentation: Paid Memberships Pro - Shipping Nulled
- Install and activate the external free product Paid Memberships Pro
- WordPress installation (minimum version 4.6 or above)
- PHP (minimum version 5.6 or above)
General Installation/Update Instructions
- For general instructions on installing Wordpress Plugins, please read "How to install Wordpress Plugins"
- For general instructions on updating Wordpress Plugins, please read "How to update Wordpress Plugins"
Nulled Status
- These nulling details are restricted to the customers/members only.
Changelog: Paid Memberships Pro - Shipping Nulled - Version 1.1
= 1.1 - 2020-11-27 =* BUG FIX/ENHANCEMENT: Updated to use pmpro_is_checkout to conditionally load the JavaScript.* BUG FIX: Fixed spacing for address in Members List.* BUG FIX: Fixed incorrect textdomain for "Phone" field.* BUG FIX: Removed tag before output of Shipping Address details on Membership Confirmation page.= 1.0 - 2020-04-30 =* BUG FIX/ENHANCEMENT: Checking if user has a membership that includes shipping fields or is an admin before displaying fields.* ENHANCEMENT: Added support for PMPro v2.3+ frontend profile.
More Info at the Developer's website: Paid Memberships Pro - Shipping Nulled
Here is the external link to the developer's website: