Paid Memberships Pro - Reason For Cancelling, is a premium addon wordpress plugin for the external product "Paid Memberships Pro".
Require members to provide a reason for leaving before they can cancel their memmbership. Features Require members to provide a reason for leaving before they can cancel their memmbership. Installation Upload the pmpro-reason-for-cancelling directory to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory of your site. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress. How it Works Simply activate the plugin and a new checkout page template will be used, requiring your users to enter a reason before they ...
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Require members to provide a reason for leaving before they can cancel their memmbership.
- Require members to provide a reason for leaving before they can cancel their memmbership.
- Upload the pmpro-reason-for-cancelling directory to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory of your site.
- Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress.
How it Works
Simply activate the plugin and a new checkout page template will be used, requiring your users to enter a reason before they can cancel their membership. The reason will be added to the emails sent to both the user and administrator.
Documentation: Paid Memberships Pro - Reason For Cancelling Nulled
- Install and activate the external free product Paid Memberships Pro
- WordPress installation (minimum version 4.6 or above)
- PHP (minimum version 5.6 or above)
General Installation/Update Instructions
- For general instructions on installing Wordpress Plugins, please read "How to install Wordpress Plugins"
- For general instructions on updating Wordpress Plugins, please read "How to update Wordpress Plugins"
Nulled Status
- These nulling details are restricted to the customers/members only.
Changelog: Paid Memberships Pro - Reason For Cancelling Nulled - Version 0.2.1
= 0.2.1 - 2021-09-13 =* BUG FIX/ENHANCEMENT: Now ensuring that `levelstocancel` URL parameter is set when cancelling a level.= 0.2 - 2020-09-03 =* ENHANCEMENT: Added MMPU compatibility.
More Info at the Developer's website: Paid Memberships Pro - Reason For Cancelling Nulled
Here is the external link to the developer's website: