Paid Memberships Pro – Membership Card Add On

Paid Memberships Pro – Membership Card Add On

- V1.0

Paid Memberships Pro - Membership Card, is a premium addon wordpress plugin for the external product "Paid Memberships Pro".

Create a printable, customizable Membership Card for Paid Memberships Pro members or WordPress users. How it Works The plugin adds a new shortcode, [pmpro_membership_card], which assigns a page as the Membership Card page. The page containing the shortcode will display the membership card and a link to print the membership card. You can also set the page’s featured image, which will be displayed on the membership card. The shortcode has one attribute: ‘print_size’. Options include: ...
Read The Full Description Here

Create a printable, customizable Membership Card for Paid Memberships Pro members or WordPress users.

How it Works

The plugin adds a new shortcode, [pmpro_membership_card], which assigns a page as the Membership Card page. The page containing the shortcode will display the membership card and a link to print the membership card. You can also set the page’s featured image, which will be displayed on the membership card.

The shortcode has one attribute: ‘print_size’. Options include: small, medium, large or all. Default is: all. (ex: [pmpro_membership_card print_size=”small,medium”])

If Paid Memberships Pro is activated, then only members will be able to view the membership card. If not, the card will show for all WP users.

Documentation: Paid Memberships Pro - Membership Card Nulled


  • Install and activate the external free product Paid Memberships Pro
  • WordPress installation (minimum version 4.6 or above)
  • PHP (minimum version 5.6 or above)

General Installation/Update Instructions

Nulled Status

  • These nulling details are restricted to the customers/members only.

Changelog: Paid Memberships Pro - Membership Card Nulled - Version 1.0

* BUG: Include private as well as published posts/pages in searches for the page/post containing the member card shortcode
* BUG: Didn't use valid WP_User object when adding u= query parameter.
* ENHANCEMENT: Add class to locate a post/page based on content (i.e. a shortcode)
* ENHANCEMENT: Use built-in shortcode search function has_shortcode()
* ENHANCEMENT: Use pmpro_posts_by_content::get() to search/find. Uses WP_Query & includes support for WP caching

More Info at the Developer's website: Paid Memberships Pro - Membership Card Nulled

Here is the external link to the developer's website:

Support: Paid Memberships Pro - Membership Card Nulled

You need to be a customer to create a support request for this product