Modern Events Calendar – Virtual Events, is a premium addon wordpress plugin for the product "Modern Events Calendar - Core WordPress Plugin".
This addon allows you to turn your events into virtual ones and provide an embeded link or directed link and password of your online event to your attendees.With this addon you can easily display details of your virtual events to the user. You can use an embed code of your event plus username and password. You can also set it up so that these info are only displayed after users book a ticket or to ...
Read The Full Description Here
This addon allows you to turn your events into virtual ones and provide an embeded link or directed link and password of your online event to your attendees.
With this addon you can easily display details of your virtual events to
the user. You can use an embed code of your event plus username and
password. You can also set it up so that these info are only displayed
after users book a ticket or to display them to everyone. You can also
sent these info via email after booking.
Key Features
Provide the password specific for your events to the attendees in the eventView password
Provide a private link for your events to the attendees in the eventPrivate link
View an embedded code so users can use that to join the eventView embedded
Displays next and previous events based on the geographic coordinatesNext / Previous Button
Limit viewing the link and password for the events so that only users that have booked can view thoseLimit view
Using specific placeholders you can embed the virtual event’s info in the emails that are sent to the usersEmail placeholders
Enable the specific badge in the sidebar of virtual eventsView in Single Event
Enable virtual event badge in all the shortcodes you have in user websiteView in shortcodes
Documentation: Modern Events Calendar – Virtual Events Nulled
- Install and activate Modern Events Calendar – Core WordPress Plugin
- WordPress installation (minimum version 4.6 or above)
- PHP (minimum version 5.6 or above)
General Installation/Update Instructions
- For general instructions on installing Wordpress Plugins, please read "How to install Wordpress Plugins"
- For general instructions on updating Wordpress Plugins, please read "How to update Wordpress Plugins"
Changelog: Modern Events Calendar – Virtual Events Nulled - Version 1.2.2
= 1.2.2 - 18 April 2023 =
- Fixed: Display when booking is complete option
= 1.2.1 - 31 December 2022 =
- Fixed: Display information in MEC profile
= 1.2.0 - 01 June 2022 =
- Added: Display embed code after booking is completed option
More Info at the Developer's website: Modern Events Calendar – Virtual Events Nulled
Here is the external link to the developer's website: