Jet Popup

Jet Popup

- V2.0.11

JetPopup, is a premium addon wordpress plugin for the external product "Elementor Page Builder".

The advanced plugin for creating popups with Elementor. With JetPopup You Can: Drag & Drop To Build Popups When adding popups you’ll be able to use Elementor widgets to create the needed layout and add content to it. Customize Popup Design Use JetPopup to change the stylization of the created popups without any CSS knowledge, using multiple style settings. Manage Trigger Events Choose the events, set timers and dates when the popup blocks are to ...
Read The Full Description Here

The advanced plugin for creating popups with Elementor.

With JetPopup You Can:

Drag & Drop To Build Popups

When adding popups you’ll be able to use Elementor widgets to create the needed layout and add content to it.

Customize Popup Design

Use JetPopup to change the stylization of the created popups without any CSS knowledge, using multiple style settings.

Manage Trigger Events

Choose the events, set timers and dates when the popup blocks are to appear on the page, to make the popups more successful.

Select Pre-Designed Templates

With lots of versatile stylish templates on different purposes you’ll be able to add popups within few clicks.

Choose Trigger Events For Popups

Make the popup 100% noticed by choosing the most effective trigger event for this kind of information.

On Opening

Make the popup window show up when page opens to deliver information about:• Ongoing sales and discounts• Latest news & publications• Changes in Policy

User Try Exit

Allow the popup to appear when the visitor wants to close the page to display:• Sign up form• Special offer• Yes/No form

Page Progress Scrolling

Add a popup window to the page to be displayed when one scrolls the page to add:• Basic advices on using the site or service• Offer for subscription• Social sharing links

Attached to Widget

Set the popup for specific Elementor widget to appear on click, hover or scroll to display:• Contact information• Links to social media• Any other content

On Set Date

Set the specific date when the popup will start appearing on the site to inform about:• The launch of your project• Discounted prices• Special events or holiday

User Inactive Time

Make the popup window appear when the visitor has already spent some time on the page to add:• Yes/No form• Newsletter subscription form• Advertising banners

So Different In Appearance. So Convenient To Use

Change the positioning and the size and the behaviour of popup window according to your needs.


Let the popup window show up in the center of the screen on the top of page’s content.


Make the popup window slide from one side moving the content to accommodate it.


The popup is shown at the top or bottom of the page in the form of thin bar delivering information.


The popup is displayed in one of the screen’s corners in the form of subtle notice.

Full View

Allow the popup take the full screen for information to be noticed at all times.


Change the appearance and position of the popup according to your vision.

Animation Effects For Popups

Choose one of the existing animation effects to make the popup windows catch attention of your visitors

Zoom In
Zoom Out
Move Up
Bounce In
Bounce Out
Slide Up
Slide Down
Slide Left
Slide Right
Horizontal Flip
Vertical Flip

Fit For Different Purposes

JetPopup plugin allows you to create any popup you need with special easily customizable widgets.


Documentation: JetPopup Nulled


  • Install and activate the external free product Elementor Page Builder
  • WordPress installation (minimum version 4.6 or above)
  • PHP (minimum version 5.6 or above)

General Installation/Update Instructions

Nulled Status

  • These nulling details are restricted to the customers/members only.

Changelog: JetPopup Nulled - Version 2.0.11

## [2.0.1](
* Fixed: minor issues
## [2.0.0](
* ADD: BlockEditor Compatibility
* UPD: popup admin listing, main settings and conditions, with the ability to edit there
* UPD: Re-designed Condition Manager. New condition types
* UPD: Preset library. Added block editor popup collection
* ADD: Block attached popup option

More Info at the Developer's website: JetPopup Nulled

Here is the external link to the developer's website:

Support: JetPopup Nulled

You need to be a customer to create a support request for this product