GamiPress – Time-based Rewards

GamiPress – Time-based Rewards

- V1.1.2

GamiPress – Time-based Rewards, is a premium addon wordpress plugin for the external product "GamiPress".

Add time-based rewards to let your users coming back to claim them.Time-based Rewards gives you the ability to configure rewards that your users will be able to claim in a time span you want.With just a few controls, you will be able to create a time-based reward and setup the items that may be rewarded when an user claims it (you can configure the range of quantities to award and also force to always include ...
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Add time-based rewards to let your users coming back to claim them.

Time-based Rewards gives you the ability to configure rewards that your users will be able to claim in a time span you want.

With just a few controls, you will be able to create a time-based reward
and setup the items that may be rewarded when an user claims it (you
can configure the range of quantities to award and also force to always
include any item as reward).

Place any time-based reward anywhere,
including in-line on any page or post, using a configurable block or a
shortcode, or on any sidebar through a configurable widget.

Time-based Rewards extends and expands GamiPress adding new activity events and features.

New Events

  • Claim any time-based reward When an user claims a time-based reward.
  • Claim a specific time-based reward When an user claims a specific time-based reward.
  • Earn any reward of any type on claim a time-based reward When an user earns any type of reward on claim a time-based reward.
  • Earn points on claim a time-based reward When an user earns points on claim a time-based reward.
  • Earn points of a specific type on claim a time-based reward When an user earns points of a specific type on claim a time-based reward.
  • Earn an achievement on claim a time-based reward When an user earns an achievement on claim a time-based reward.
  • Earn a specific achievement on claim a time-based reward When an user earns a specific achievement on claim a time-based reward.
  • Earn an rank on claim a time-based reward When an user earns an rank on claim a time-based reward.
  • Earn a specific rank on claim a time-based reward When an user earns a specific rank on claim a time-based reward.


  • Ability to create as many time-based rewards as you like.
  • Set the recurrence time of each time-based reward in hours, minutes and seconds.
  • Live counter with the remaining time the user needs to wait until claim a time-based reward again.
  • You can define points, achievements and ranks as possible rewards.
  • Ability to force rewards to being included always.
  • Configure the range of quantities to award each time an user claims a time-based reward.
  • User time-based reward’s claim will be live processed (without refresh the page).
  • A pop-up will be displayed with the rewards that user got on claim a time-based reward.
  • Blocks to place any time-based reward anywhere.
  • Shortcodes to place any time-based reward anywhere (with support to GamiPress live shortcode embedder).
  • Widgets to place any time-based reward on any sidebar.

Documentation: GamiPress – Time-based Rewards Nulled


  • Install and activate the external free product GamiPress
  • WordPress installation (minimum version 4.6 or above)
  • PHP (minimum version 5.6 or above)

General Installation/Update Instructions

Changelog: GamiPress – Time-based Rewards Nulled - Version 1.1.2

= 1.1.2 =
* **Improvements**
* Improved Time Based Rewards menu.
* Fixed notice related to textdomain.

More Info at the Developer's website: GamiPress – Time-based Rewards Nulled

Here is the external link to the developer's website:

Support: GamiPress – Time-based Rewards Nulled

You need to be a customer to create a support request for this product