GamiPress – Email Digests

GamiPress – Email Digests

- V1.0.9

GamiPress – Email Digests, is a premium addon wordpress plugin for the external product "GamiPress".

Send email digests periodically to keep in touch with your users.Email Digests gives you the ability to send email digests periodically to keep in touch with your users and build engagement with them.In just a few minutes, you will be able to build email digests to being sent daily, weekly, monthly or yearly.In addition, Email Digests includes a huge list of tags to let you display relevant information to your users like their current points ...
Read The Full Description Here

Send email digests periodically to keep in touch with your users.

Email Digests gives you the ability to send email digests periodically to keep in touch with your users and build engagement with them.

In just a few minutes, you will be able to build email digests to being sent daily, weekly, monthly or yearly.

In addition, Email Digests includes a huge list of tags
to let you display relevant information to your users like their
current points balance, last achievements earned and current rank of any

Note: Email Digests includes a smart sending mechanism that will perform email sending gradually to prevent overload websites with a large number of users.


  • Send customizable email digests periodically to all your users.
  • Set the periodicity you want: daily, weekly, monthly or yearly.
  • Lot of options to customize the periodicity letting you select the day, month and included the day of the week to send it.
  • Tags per type to inform users about their current points balance, last achievements earned and current rank of any type.
  • Complete record of all email sends.
  • Ability to send a test email to yourself.
  • Smart sending mechanism for performance.

Documentation: GamiPress – Email Digests Nulled


  • Install and activate the external free product GamiPress
  • WordPress installation (minimum version 4.6 or above)
  • PHP (minimum version 5.6 or above)

General Installation/Update Instructions

Changelog: GamiPress – Email Digests Nulled - Version 1.0.9

= 1.0.9 =
* **Improvements**
* Improved Email Digests menu.
* Fixed notice related to textdomain.

More Info at the Developer's website: GamiPress – Email Digests Nulled

Here is the external link to the developer's website:

Support: GamiPress – Email Digests Nulled

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