Divi Ajax Search

Divi Ajax Search

- V1.1.3

Divi Ajax Search, is a premium addon wordpress plugin for the product "Elegant Themes - Divi".

An advanced Ajax Live Search plugin to let you display faster & better search results in your Divi theme website. An advanced Divi plugin that adds an Ajax Search bar to provide website visitors faster & better live search results for every query of theirs every time they type. Using this plugin, you can showcase live search results with Title, Excerpt, Featured image, or a combination of these. Plus, it includes multiple other features to ...
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An advanced Ajax Live Search plugin to let you display faster & better search results in your Divi theme website.

An advanced Divi plugin that adds an Ajax Search bar to provide website visitors faster & better live search results for every query of theirs every time they type. Using this plugin, you can showcase live search results with Title, Excerpt, Featured image, or a combination of these. Plus, it includes multiple other features to make the Ajax Search field useful, exciting, and better search results delivery-oriented.


The Divi Ajax Search plugin is an easy way to add an advanced search bar that provides users with live search results on your Divi theme website. You can use this plugin to display search results from Posts, Pages, Projects, and Custom Post Types based on the query user runs. In addition to this, you can easily customize the search field’s appearance according to the website’s nature.

  • Ajax Live Search Icon
  • Custom Search Icon Styling
  • Display Featured Image
  • Ajax Search Loader
  • Display Title
  • Custom Post Types Support
  • Display Excerpt


Let Them Search Your Website’s Posts, Pages and Projects

The Divi Ajax Search plugin allows you to let users search their topic of interest inside your website’s Posts, Pages, and Projects. You can also decide whether to display users’ search results from a single post type only or a combination of them. Like Posts + Pages, Pages + Projects, or all of them.


With Divi Ajax Search, Users Can Now Search Their Favorite WooCommerce Products Faster

This plugin also allows you to add a search field inside your Divi WooCommerce store. So, users can easily find products in a much engaging and faster way. From a long list of products, all they have to type either product’s name or a keyword representing that product, and voila! It will appear in the search within a moment.


Design Your Ajax Search Field the Way You Want

Are you running a modern website? Don’t worry; the Divi Ajax Search plugin comes with highly customizable settings that allow you to change its appearance according to the website’s look and feel. Whether your website has a modern look or a simple one, this plugin can blend with any website designs.


Define Search Area


Display Options for Searched Items


Show Faster Search Results With Featured Image, Title, and Excerpt

With showing users faster results in the search field, you can also decide how you want to display them. The Divi Ajax Search plugin enables you to display live search results with Title, Excerpt, and Featured Image.


Comes With the Compatibility of Custom Post Types

And not only Posts, Pages, and Products, this Divi Ajax Search plugin is also compatible with Custom Post Types. Meaning, you can add an ajax live search field inside custom posts types and let users search whatever they want — inside that custom post type.

Documentation: Divi Ajax Search Nulled


  • Install and activate Divi
  • WordPress installation (minimum version 4.6 or above)
  • PHP (minimum version 5.6 or above)

General Installation/Update Instructions

Changelog: Divi Ajax Search Nulled - Version 1.1.3

= 1.1.3 =
Release date: 08th May 2024
* FIXED: Search results number -1 not showing all results.
* FIXED: No result text was not disappearing even if there are results.
= 1.1.2 =
Release date: 05th April 2024
* FIXED: Layout 3 was not displaying properly on few browsers.

More Info at the Developer's website: Divi Ajax Search Nulled

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Support: Divi Ajax Search Nulled

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