Author Stats Pro

Author Stats Pro

- V2.2.4

Author Stats Pro, is a stand-alone premium wordpress plugin.

Author Stats Pro plugin for WordPress let you easily displays post count, comments, word count, shares and view stats about all authors on your blog.  Author Stats Pro is incredibly useful for tracking author data in order to measure the effectiveness of every author’s ability to generate views, comments, and social shares.  Analyze Author Data Paying authors for their posts? Determine which authors generate the most posts, words, or views in total or by date ...
Read The Full Description Here

Author Stats Pro plugin for WordPress let you easily displays post count, comments, word count, shares and view stats about all authors on your blog.

 Author Stats Pro is incredibly useful for tracking author data in order to measure the effectiveness of every author’s ability to generate views, comments, and social shares. 

Analyze Author Data

Paying authors for their posts? Determine which authors generate the most posts, words, or views in total or by date range and understand which authors are truly affecting your site views. Drill down to view an individual author’s stats and which posts performed the best.

Track Community Engagement

Author Stats Pro can check social shares and comments for every article and show you which authors are generating the most buzz in your community. A free or paid account to SharedCount’s service is required to track shares.

Advanced View Filters

Author Stats Pro can check social shares and comments for every article and show you which authors are generating the most buzz in your community. A free or paid account to  SharedCount’s service  is required to track shares.

Additional Features

Widget & Shortcode

Show your Author stats in any sidebar with a customizable widget or anywhere in your content with the leaderboard shortcode.

Custom Post Type Support

Author Stats Pro will track data for every post type. Filter them out in the data table for detailed reports on post type performance.

Data Filtering & Sorting

Filter your Author data by date range, post type, and user role. Sort your data table to rank Authors by number of posts, average word count, views, comments, and more.

Export Filtered Data

Author Stats Pro can filter recorded data by date range, post type, and user roles. Any filtered view can be easily exported to an XLS file.

Documentation: Author Stats Pro Nulled


  • WordPress installation (minimum version 4.6 or above)
  • PHP (minimum version 5.6 or above)

General Installation/Update Instructions

Changelog: Author Stats Pro Nulled - Version 2.2.4

= 2.2.3 = 2021-07-30
* FIXED: Issues with filtering the author stats
= 2.2.2 = 2021-07-29
* ADDED: Filter by metrics: posts, views & comments
* FIXED: Issue with indexing large number of posts
* UPDATED: Updated datepicker library
* UPDATED: Compatibility with WordPress 5.8

More Info at the Developer's website: Author Stats Pro Nulled

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